A successful blending plants with fences, decks, paths and patios is the goal my landscape design projects. However, landscaping has a lot of elements. The following collection of images may inspire and point us in the right direction when we begin work on your project. We’ll use the photos in our discussions of color preferences, types of plants, formal and informal designs and some the popular choices for stone masonry.

It’s taken me over 10 years to create this collection: it includes gardens I’ve had the good fortune to visit in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe.

Plant Texture and Color Combinations

birdbath Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 030 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 028 maple leaf pink anemone July 2009 042 plant combination July 2009 035
detail plant July 2009 219 purple cranesbill detail July 2009 225 detail with pine cones July 2009 226 hack and heurchera Bartrams Garden Philly May 2009 026
Wildflower garden Provence 2005 034 dk pink crape myrtle Beauty berry winter  2007 027 New Hampshire 7.02 055
Rose blossom July 2009 050 leaves July 2009 041 crape myrtle bark Provence 2005 041 Bartrams Garden Philly May 2009 027
Bartrams Garden Philly May 2009 005 plant combinations July 2009 153 vari. holly detail July 2009 220 Felicita Gardens 003 purple flower detail July 2009 048
plant combination Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 146 conifer special garden July 2009 221 Evergreen hedge Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 038 plant detail Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 114
Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 119 trees w/perennials Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 134
detail perennials Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 014 garden detail Portland OR Feb 2007 046 I Street Garden April 2007 003 Vieil Musee Garden Aix Provence, France Oct 2004 028
Felicita Gardens 006 lawn garden Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 041 f/s w/perennials Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 091 Barcelona  May 2008 015

Drain Installation with Tubes, Boxes and Channel Drain

gravel Oakland St Drainage 2004 5 tubes/gravel Drainage 2004 12 box and tubes Oakland St. Drainage 2004 11 channel drain

Front Walk and Path Masonry Styles

paver walk 2008 031
river rock 2008 035 irreg stone in river rock path 2008 031 Leff f/s path France 5.2004 023
path Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 034

Retaining Walls and Steps

parged ret wall with fs cap 2008 028 stone fs cap ret wall 2008 014 timber ret wall 2008 014 brick ret wall 2008 022
ret wall with fs cap lights 2008 009 Entry steps with fs cap 2008 006

brick steps with stone ret wall 2008 020

boulder stone walk 002 brick step fs cap 2008 024
cut flag steps 2008 012 front steps stone tread fs cap 016 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 128 ret wall stacked stone boulders 2008 010

Fences, Pergolas and Other Wooden Structures

Fences 027 Fence with gate 021 irreg stone wall step 2008 025 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 138
Krocker lattice fence 007 Fences 022 Fences 002 wooden fence and gate 2008 018
House Pergola Sept 2008 007 Wooden pergola 028 Outdoor shower final  2007 012 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 027

Green Roofs and Eco-friendly Landscaping

Read Building Roof Perry Oct 2008 005 new green roof July 2009 241 green roof July 2009 188 Shed with living roof.
Leff f/s path A living wall rain surrounds the rain barrel. Leff front yard 008

International Gardens and Shows

Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 133 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 105 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 076
Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 095 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 092 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 143 Montreal Quebec Gardens July 2006 149
roof garden Barcelona  May 2008 055